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Two students helping one another.

Disability Support Services at Anne Arundel Community College exists to ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in educational and co-curricular offerings. We do this by providing reasonable and ethical accommodations consistent with ADA guidelines using an individualized, student-centered approach and modeling best practices through training, collaboration and engagement.

 Accommodations and services may include:

  • Note takers, readers and/or scribes
  • Testing accommodations
  • Books in alternative format
  • Sign language interpreters
  • Amplification systems
  • Computers equipped with software such as Dragon Dictate, (voice recognition system for dictation), Zoom Text (system for enlarging test), Kurzweil Reader (system for scanning and producing text verbally), JAWS (computer screen reader)
  • Special parking areas equipped with curb cuts and ramps located close to classroom buildings (license tags for those with disabilities are obtained through the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA).
  • TTY (telecommunications device for the deaf and hard of hearing)
  • Maryland Relay (800-735-2258 or 711)
  • CCTV (text enlarger)

Accessing Disability Support Services

All students must provide documentation of their disability to AACC and then meet with a Disability Support Services specialist.

Our office continues to provide support and services remotely.

Step 1: Accommodation Request

Step 2: Gather and Submit Supporting Documentation

Documentation of your disability should be submitted three to four days prior to your appointment. Submit your disability documentation on Accommodate, email to or drop it off at the DSS office in SUN 140.

Have your psychiatrist, psychologist and/or diagnosing physician provide you with a comprehensive evaluation report that diagnoses your disability, or have them complete the Disability Verification Form.

They will be required to provide documentation that:

  • Confirms diagnosis of your disability
  • Describes the difficulties and functional limitations in an educational setting because of your disability
  • Indicates the severity and longevity of the condition
  • Offers recommendations for treatment

An IEP or 504 plan may also be accepted.*

Accommodations and services from the DSS office will be established after documentation is presented and the intake process is complete. If you do not have documentation and do not have a resource for evaluation, call 410-777-1411 or email A DSS specialists can provide you with evaluation referral resources.

*Note: Your high school does not submit any documentation to DSS on your behalf.

Step 3: Schedule an Appointment

To make an appointment with a DSS specialist, email, or visit Bookings.

Step 4: Day of Appointment

Together with a DSS specialist, you will discuss accommodations and/or services available to you.

Step 5: After the Appointment

You will receive an official decision letter and instructions for your next steps.

Step 6: Accommodation Notifications

Once you have completed your accommodation request for the term, a DSS staff member will email letters of accommodation to your professors. You will also receive a summary email to your college email account.

Step 7: Renewing Accommodations

Continuing students must renew their accommodation requests each term by logging on to Accommodate with their AACC credentials.  When prompted, select ‘Student’ and follow the process to renew accommodations for the current or upcoming term. 

Commonly Asked Questions

Do I need accommodations if I need to take the Accuplacer/placement test?

The placement test is NOT timed, and students can use a calculator for the math portion. Only those students who have a documented need for tests to be read aloud (stated specifically on their IEP/psycho-education evaluation report and directly related to a reading disability) need an accommodation from the DSS office for the placement test. Contact DSS for large print or Braille Accuplacer.

If I think I qualify for a screen reader for the placement test, what should I do?

Follow Steps 1-4 as outlined in the Accessing Disability Support Services section of this page to secure accommodations for your placement test.

If I do not need accommodations for the placement test, when should I make an appointment with a DSS specialist?

Schedule a DSS appointment after you have completed the placement tests and registered for classes. A 30-day notice is advised to ensure accommodations such as books in alternative formats, enlarged print and sign language interpreters are in place by the beginning of the term.

What kind of documentation do I need to get DSS services at the college level?

The specific documentation depends on the nature of your disability. If you had an IEP or 504 plan in high school, you will need to bring a copy of the documentation along with a copy of your most recent psycho-education evaluation report. Other documentation includes the Disability Verification Form found under Step 2 of the Accessing Disability Support Services section of this page.

What kind of accommodations/services will I get for my classes?

Accommodations are determined based on documentation submitted and student input.

Comparison of Services

When you come to AACC, the services we offer might look different than what you were used to in high school. The table below explains the differences.

High SchoolCollege

Services are provided under IDEA or Section 504.

Accommodations are provided under ADA and Section 504.

IEP is mandated and followed.

High school IEP ends. There is no IEP at the college level.

Parents are involved actively in the planning and decision-making process.

Student is considered an adult and must advocate for him/herself. Parent involvement is limited.

School districts are responsible for identifying and evaluating disability at no cost to the student or family.

Student must self-identify and provide appropriate current documentation based on college’s requirements. The college is not responsible for the payment of evaluations.

Parents sign documents for student.

Student signs all documents.

High school personnel have the responsibility to try to modify inappropriate behavior caused by the disability into appropriate behavior.

Student is responsible for his/her own behavior; inappropriate behavior is not tolerated.

Tests and questions often are modified or shortened.

Colleges provide equal access, not modifications.

Special educators inform teachers about a student’s accommodation needs.

Student needs to talk to his/her teachers about accommodation needs.

Student is scheduled to see resource personnel on a routine basis.

Student must initiate requests.


We're here to help.

Disability Support Services


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What's Next?

Are you a junior or senior high school student? Learn more about the resources and accommodations we offer through our "What's Next?" event!

Disability Support Services Manual

In-Person Hours

8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

To schedule an appointment, call 410-777-1411 or go to our Bookings Calendar

Student Union (SUN) Room 140
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012

Virtual Hours

8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Our People

Dana Kieran, director 

Kelly Sweeny, specialist

Diane Tydings, student success specialist 

Mira Wachs, accessibility analyst

Tuition Waivers

Accessible Course Content

Are you a faculty member who needs help making your class content accessible? Contact the IDEA Lab